Transitioning Adults to College: Adult Basic Education Program Models
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This NCTN study of 25 college transition programs and more than 40 postsecondary institutions was guided by this question: do ABE-to-college transition programs fall into discrete models and, if so, what are the key features of these models?
Through the development of program snapshots and four state profiles, a typology of ABE-to-college transition programs was created. Other key aspects of the study are: the development of an analytical framework for describing the type and intensity of specific transitions models that can help practitioners “locate” the type of programming that exists or needs to be created; an analysis of the advantages and limitations of each program model to help others adapt and build on these models; and policy recommendations calling for improvements and action in assessment and outcomes, funding, professional development, collaborations, and further research.
This study was published by the National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy (NCSALL). A review of it can be found in the LINCS Resource Collection.