Integrated Education and Training (IET)
While the need for a skilled and educated workforce is increasing, too often, adult education and English language programs are not connected to job training or other postsecondary education programs to help address the challenge. Few adults have time to wait to gain basic academic and English skills before they can begin workforce training. Yet, without sufficient academic and English skills required, they will not benefit from training or be prepared to enter a career pathway. Integrated Education & Training is an accelerated program design combining high-quality adult education, workforce preparation, and workforce training within a career pathway design.
NCTN supports national and local Integrated Education and Training (IET) initiatives. As a partner in Accelerating Opportunity (AO), a national demonstration project led by JFF, NCTN gained early expertise designing, implementing, and scaling integrated education and training models.
NCTN continues to provide technical assistance to state and regional initiatives to sustain and scale IET and delivers professional development for administrators, integrated teaching teams, and college and career navigators.
Our IET contributions include:
- Facilitating dialogue and advocating for policy to scale and sustain IET for adult learners.
- Sharing lessons learned from Integrated Education and Training: Implementing Programs in Diverse Contexts featuring eight IET program profiles.
- Developing and offering online courses to support college and career navigators, and teaching teams
- Creating customizable train the trainer manuals:
- Lessons Learned from Accelerating Opportunity, Jobs for the Future
- The Second Year of Accelerating Opportunity: Implementation Findings from the States and Colleges, Urban Institute and Aspen Institute