Leading the Way in College & Career Readiness
Postsecondary education is important for economic viability and quality of life. Adults without an associate degree earn incomes of up to 40 percent less than those who earned this degree The economic pay off for learners with a short-term credential without a degree is also considerable (Baum, Ma, and Payea, 2016). In addition, an educated and trained workforce is a major element in national economic competitiveness. Despite this critical need, rates of college enrollment and persistence of adult learners are low.
As a national pioneer in guiding efforts to bridge this gap, the NCTN identifies four areas of college and career readiness without which it is difficult, if not impossible, to succeed in a college and work environment.
This model informs the coaching, professional development, resource and tool creation, and consulting services the NCTN delivers to leaders and practitioners in the adult education, postsecondary, and workforce systems at the national, state, and local levels.

See the Latest in College & Career Readiness

The NCTN partners with adult education, workforce and community organizations, and college systems from across the country to incubate and pilot innovations in policy, and to provide technical assistance and professional development. Tools, reports, and resources developed through this work are designed to be customizable and to be shared widely.

We offer high-quality transition-related courses through World Education E-Learning PD, an online professional development portal offered by World Education.

Integrating research into practice is an important method used by practitioners, policymakers, and researchers to improve the field of education.