Engaging, Empowering, & Creating Useful Change
Leadership is about vision, about engagement, about empowerment and, most of all, about the creation of useful change. Effective leadership committed to affirming a shared vision of access to educational and economic opportunity for adult students is needed now more than other.
Through customized professional development, coaching, and consultation services, the NCTN team helps to develop the leadership needed to design and implement programs aimed at effectively preparing students for college and career opportunities consistent with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.
The NCTN’s approach is grounded in the understanding that effective leadership requires placing development into its wider, systemic context, and fostering the capacity of new and seasoned administrators to:
- Collaborate across systems
- Engage a multi-stakeholder base
- Guide a strategic communication process
- Select and train effective teachers, and staff
- Coordinate comprehensive support services
- Identify and mobilize resources
- Translate policy into practice

See the Latest in Leadership Development

The NCTN partners with adult education, workforce, and community organizations and college systems from across the country to incubate and pilot innovations in policy, and to provide technical assistance and professional development. Tools, reports, and resources developed through this work are designed to be customized and shared widely.

We offer high-quality transition-related courses through World Education E-Learning PD, an online professional development portal offered by World Education.

This interactive webinar series focuses on changes occurring in adult education that bode well for science teaching and learning, especially inclusion of science as a content area for rigorous English and mathematics college and career readiness instruction and high school equivalency tests.